
Registering a Service

Follow the steps below to register a service with Space Cloud:

Step 1: Write a custom HTTP serverlink

You first need to create your custom HTTP server and deploy it. You can write this server in any language or framework of your choice.

Note: The custom logic that you want to access via Space Cloud should only go in POST handlers.

Step 2: Add remote servicelink

Head to the Remote Services section in Mission Control.

Click on the Add button to open the following form:

Add service screen

You need to enter the following information:

  • Service name: Used in your frontend queries to uniquely identify a service. This name should be unique within a project.
  • Remote URL: The URL of your remote service.

Click on the Add button to add the remote service.

Once you have added the remote service, you should be able to see it in the remote services table:

Services table

Step 3: Add endpoint to your remote servicelink

Click on the View button in the Actions column to open the service page.

Click on the Add button to add an endpoint to your remote service:

Add endpoint screen

You need to enter the following information:

  • Name: Used in your frontend queries along with the service name to uniquely identify an endpoint. This name should be unique within a service.
  • Method: The HTTP method for your endpoint.
  • Path: Endpoint for your custom logic. Space Cloud makes an HTTP request of the specified method to the endpoint formed by Service URL + Path.

Note: You can also use arguments to make the path dynamic. For example, a path - /hello/{} will receive the name URL param from the arguments sent by the client in the query.

  • Rules: These are the security rules for your endpoint. Read more about security here.

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